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What are the minefields for the brand management strategy of coatings?

Views:834 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-10-17 15:58:59 Orgin:Site

Coatings and building materials franchise stores are welcomed and recognized by the majority of customers, and gradually become the favorite of the market, and quite concerned by entrepreneurs. However, it is not easy to choose a good coating agent brand. What are the misunderstandings of brand management strategy for coatings enterprises?

The coatings market has infinite potential and opportunities. Although the coating industry has fallen into a relatively difficult period, Chinese coatings enterprises should be glad to live in this era. The next 10 years will still be a good opportunity to build coatings brands. In order to create a brand, coating enterprises must think from the perspective of brand strategy.

Coatings enterprises should stay away from the strategic minefield of brand management

Coatings pay attention to brand has been for some time, but there has been no resounding national brand rise, this is because there are some deficiencies in the operation of the brand. So, let's take a look at the common brand strategy mistakes of coating enterprises?

1. Single brand has nothing to do with diversified extension

There is nothing wrong with the diversification itself, but the neglect of the unrelated extension of the law of brand growth and positioning. There are two main reasons why many coating enterprises like diversification

First, because of the lack of anti risk ability, on the surface, diversification can increase the survival possibility of coating enterprises, which is the same as "don't put eggs in the same basket". Second, because of the lack of core competitiveness, enterprises in the fierce competition soon met the ceiling of development. Chinese entrepreneurs are accustomed to fast money and have strong speculation psychology, so they are easy to focus on other industries with high growth. The above causes Chinese enterprises are keen on diversified extension, and many enterprises fall into the trap of diversification. For example, Haier in the household appliance industry has entered the home integration, pharmaceutical industry, catering, PC, mobile phone, logistics, finance, tourism and real estate since 2001, but it has not achieved real success.

2. Random multi brand strategy

Chinese enterprises learn from multinational companies such as P & G's multi brand strategy, but many of them only learn the surface, and do not deeply analyze the essence of multinational companies' multi brand strategy operation. P & G's success is because when P & G launched a new brand, it launched it according to the vacancy of consumer's mental cognition. It launched a new brand after the brand became the representative brand of category and obtained the status of industry strength brand. Moreover, there are obvious differences between different brands in terms of different consumers' mental cognition.

In the coating industry, there are a lot of so-called multi brand strategy of one father and several sons. In fact, many of these multi brand strategies do not understand the essence of the multi brand strategy that "different markets and different brands are the core of the multi brand strategy"; what's more, they do not understand the essence of the multi brand strategy that "only when a single brand becomes a powerful brand in the industry can it be allowed to launch a second brand". In fact, the correct operation method of multi brand should be "eugenics and superior education", not super born guerrillas. A successful brand building can equal the sum of sales of dozens of ordinary brands.

3. Addicted to price war

Price war, as an effective weapon for enterprises to quickly attack rivals, rapidly increase market sales and seize the market, has been a means that many coating enterprises like to manipulate. For the coating industry which has just completed the initial accumulation, the price war is a delicious medicine. However, when the enterprise obtains more market share, it also makes the enterprise's capital chain tense, and other business activities are greatly affected, which seriously hinders the further development of the enterprise.

Price war can quickly increase market share and complete large sales in a short time. But we have to emphasize again and again: for most coating enterprises, the price war is only a marketing technology, not a strategy.

4. Brand hollowing

Thank you CCTV, thank you all. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, TV advertising, especially celebrity advertising, has made a lot of brands in China's market, and also brought about the great success of these brands in a certain period of time.

In a fully competitive industry, that is, those industries with mixed talents and no industry strength brand, strength is everything. When a consumer is at a loss when facing a pile of commodities, he suddenly finds a name he is familiar with. All the trust in the strength, reliable quality and after-sales support of the enterprise is built on this reputation, and consumers can make easy choices. If in the primary development stage of the coating industry, the enterprises that have the courage to adopt the strategy of "holding high and fighting high" can succeed first.

However, there is no clear brand positioning or random extension of the brand, continuously diluting the original brand cognitive value, with high strength, but the brand reputation and loyalty is very low, this hollow brand will eventually lose the growth of the brand. The coating industry is becoming more and more mature, and the historical opportunity has become a thing of the past. When the coating enterprises will face the decline of channel loyalty, the reduction of brand intangible assets, and the collective challenge of dealers in the market discourse power, it will be fatal if the brand strategy of coating enterprises continues to be missing and the brand is still hollow.
