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Great health outlet has come! Coating industry transformation and upgrading is imminent!

Views:1139 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-10-28 15:57:16 Orgin:Site

With the change of market economy environment, how to grasp the new opportunity and make a different development road? Let's take a look at the answer given by the times.

Traditional coatings: from singing all the way to hard work

Decoration pollution is an urgent social problem. For a long time, the harmful substances in coatings are regarded as the main source of decoration pollution. Consumers are cautious about the brand and quality when choosing coatings.

Take a close look at the marketing keywords of major domestic and imported coatings brands, the first to bear the brunt is "environmental protection", "formaldehyde absorption", "formaldehyde purification" And so on. However, no matter how the product develops, the film-forming materials, pigments, fillers and solvents of traditional coatings are inseparable from the fusion and stabilization of chemical emulsifiers.

Therefore, the traditional coatings can not get rid of heavy metals and formaldehyde and other harmful substances, even if it meets the national standards, its raw materials still contain such harmful substances. The homogenization of traditional coating products can not directly face consumers' doubts about "whether they are really healthy" or not, nor can they let consumers experience the product quality in person. They can only find a new way from the marketing means, and constantly emphasize the characteristics of zero VOC and national standards.

In addition, the person in charge of VOCs project of the environmental engineering assessment center of the Ministry of ecology and environment once said that the core management and control idea of VOCs is to advocate management control and source control, followed by process control and end treatment, which is the least efficient way. VOCs control mainly focuses on key areas and industries, involving petrochemical, organic chemical, surface coating, packaging and printing and other key industries. In addition, there are many scattered pollution enterprises in the coating and ink industry. It is a matter of life and death for enterprises to meet environmental protection compliance. It is necessary to find water-based products with low (no) VOCs content as raw materials.

Post epidemic era: health is fundamental

At present, the development of waterborne coatings in China is relatively good. More than 95% of the interior and exterior wall coatings are water-based coatings. With waterborne automotive coatings, UV curing coatings, etc., the environmentally friendly coatings can reach 60%. Among them, the degree of water-based building coatings is relatively high, and other industrial coatings, container coatings, household appliances coatings, engineering coatings and so on still need to be further promoted. Under such circumstances, the Asia Pacific region, especially China, has become the fastest growing regional market. Due to the excessive application of solvent based coatings, VOCs are produced in large quantities. Reducing the production and use of solvent based coatings has become a task that all parts of the country are trying to accomplish. Water based coatings and solvent based coatings have absolute advantages in terms of environmental protection and health. Because in the production process of solvent based coatings, the diluents used are 200 gasoline and benzene organic solvents. In the production of water-based coatings, these organic solvents are replaced by clean water, so there is no smell. In addition to the production process, the coating process is also one of the ways to release VOCs, and the water-based technology is the most effective way to reduce the VOCs emission of coatings. In the coatings, the use of ordinary pure water instead of traditional volatile organic solvents can make progress in the two important indicators of environmental emission and improvement of coating utilization rate. Taking automobile coating as an example, the content of VOCs in traditional automotive coatings usually reaches about 85%, while that in waterborne automotive coatings only accounts for 10%.

Therefore, the demand for environment-friendly products such as waterborne coatings is growing rapidly. This requires raw material suppliers such as pigments to provide environmentally friendly products. Waterborne and low VOC are the development trend of coatings in the future. The upstream and downstream enterprises in China's waterborne coatings industry chain are actively developing new solutions with an open and inclusive attitude.

Under the dual promotion of policy and environment, water paint with water as diluent has become the focus of environmental protection upgrading of coating industry due to its environmental protection characteristics of energy saving and emission reduction, and has been listed in the key support areas of "manufacturing 2025" of the state. With the rise of raw materials and the collection of sewage charges and coating consumption tax, the price of related products has become a trend, so all walks of life have called for the use of water paint. The enhancement of consumers' awareness of environmental protection also makes water-based coatings more attractive in the market.

New opportunities: the essence of products meets the needs of the times

With the change of economic environment, the old industry will be replaced or eliminated by the new industry. The phenomenon of survival of the fittest is inevitable and the result of the development of market economy.

Nowadays, the urbanization construction is still in progress. The transformation of the three old buildings in the city and the optimization and upgrading of the consumer's home environment mean that the paint market itself has a bright future.
